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About us 

Little about myself. I am a house husband, a caring for my 4 kids and was thinking what else i could do with my time. So i am streaming to raise money for a young adults group on Monday nights to pay for there entertainment.  

About the group 

Support a group East Norfolk friendship group supporting people with learning difficulties to be everything they want to be 

East Norfolk friendship group:there missing 

all adults with learning difficulties in Norfolk to be confident individuals,controlling their own lives and making their  own decisions, with support from people they trust. much of our work is centred on improving the lives of individuals. We so this by assessing peoples skills and focusing on what they can do, rather than what they cant. We provide opportunities for people with learning difficulties to have a go at things that they would not normally have a chance to. Through peer support, confidence building and learning new skills our members flourish and go on to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. and my mission is to support them as and when i can as you all my know you get nothing for free and as i keep finding as at the moment im trying to house school one of my family.

Gaming Gear

Gaming Like You've
Never Seen Before

Here on my youtube we do funny streams 

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If you would be so kind to donate to are cause

would be much appreciated 

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